Detailed directions for finding your way to us will be sent to you with your Snowgums’ booking confirmation. Below are suggested links and details for your transport/ transfers to and from Briançon Serre Chevalier.
The closest airport, with easiest drive, is Turin, 120kms/ 2 hours. Grenoble is 2+ hours. Lyon, Chambery, Nice, Milan and Marseilles are other options. British Airways (Gatwick) is recommended. Other possible options are Ryanair (Stanstead) and Easyjet (Luton). Winter season bus transfer from Turin Linkbus, hire a car at the airport (snowchains advisable in winter) or contact Wiiliik for transfers.
London to Paris, and then either overnight train to Briancon, arriving at the start of the day (leave the following Saturday evening overnight and have 8 days skiing!), or TGV Paris to Oulx (4.5 hours) just into Italy (on the Paris-Milan line, twice daily) and pre-book a taxi to Briançon.
Raileurope and SNCF.

From Snowgums’ visitors’ book
Beautifully renovated farmhouse
The accommodation within Pippa’s beautifully renovated farmhouse is homely, authentic and practical. The love, thought and huge amounts of energy and determination it has taken to create Snowgums have achieved a unique and very special holiday retreat. Pippa’s knowledge of the area is bountiful and even without a car we were able to experience some of the activities on offer. My first visit to the Alps & I am uplifted by the experience.”